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Call for Poster Session - CLOSED

Teachers are invited to participate in the Poster Session at II EPPI to take place on 7th November from 10h to 11h. Poster templates will be made available to organize the Poster Session.


A poster session is often one part of academic conferences. They are usually held in a large open space where presenters have room to hang their poster and guests have room to walk around freely. The atmosphere is usually more relaxed allowing for short, informal discussions between presenters and participants while the exhibit is on display. The exhibit should be self-explanatory. Posters can display research, teaching tips, curriculum development ideas, and many other areas of interest. This year’s poster session will include four categories as follows:






1) Professional Development for Teachers


Pre-service (students who are studying to be teachers) and in-service teachers (those already working in schools) are invited to present personal experience, research, and/or results from teacher education opportunities that have affected teaching practices and the school environment in a positive manner.


2) Inclusive Teaching Practices


Posters under this category will share successful teaching practices that have aimed to include students with a variety of special needs, cultural/social/family backgrounds and/or learning styles.


3) Technologies in the English Classroom


This session welcomes posters discussing results of the use of technological resources in the EFL classroom.


4) Successful English Teaching Experiences


Posters in this category will highlight a successful school or class project, teaching experience, and/or research finding. Teachers will share more general teaching experiences that have proved successful in overcoming initial problems faced by the teacher in her/his specific work context.




  1. Title, which describes the contents of the poster (up to 15 words);

  2. Your name and school;

  3. An abstract or short summary to explain what your poster is about (references optional).






  1. Posters are 120cmx80cm; 

  2. A blank, white, vinyl poster will be provided to all accepted poster presentations, to be picked up at the IsF NucLI Office at CCHLA, UFPB;

  3. Directions: please, print your poster in pieces and attach to the poster by using tape or light glue. Do not write on the poster itself. We plan to use them again; it’s ecological and economical;

  4. For authors with accepted poster presentation, more information will be sent to your email in a submission acceptance letter;

  5. Posters should be in English.


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